Since joining the program in late 2021, members of Penrith Community Drug Action Team haven’t wasted any time creating and increasing awareness within the community about the harmful consequences associated with alcohol and drug. They’re also providing a safe space to talk about other co-related concerns around mental health, boredom as a catalyst for harmful behaviour and domestic violence amongst diverse communities. Penrith CDAT embrace the opportunity to take part in activities that engaged the young people in their community.

Forming a collaboration with the skateboarding social enterprise Totem Collective, who work with councils and community services to activate skatepark environments, shining a spotlight on building healthy connected communities. Introducing young people between 8-17yrs, their parents and extended family to fun and exciting pursuits available to them in their local neighbourhood. It created a safe and engaging space for the supporting services to chat with parents on the importance of supporting their children to understand the harms of drug and alcohol in the family environment.